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Cool Down and Chill Out: The Mellowest Cannabis Drinks


    4 min Read

    There is a reason why people are making the switch from beer to a buzz.

    Cool Down and Chill Out: The Mellowest Cannabis Drinks

    Gone are the days of having to sneak outside at parties to smoke some weed. Today, you can smoke, eat, and even drink cannabis, with everyone in your social circle. Cannabis drinks are a great alternative to drinking alcohol or smoking but can still give you a nice buzz.

    Find out some of the mellowest cannabis drinks that Origins has to offer.

    What Are Cannabis Drinks?

    Cannabis drinks are simply a tincture or alcohol-based elixir with dissolved THC or CBD. While cannabis drinks are a newer entrant to the market, medical tinctures have been around for a while.

    People across American are falling in love with cannabis-infused beverages - why? Drinks can deliver cannabis into your system quicker than consuming edibles.

    An edible can take 45 minutes or even a few hours to work. A drink kicks in much faster. You can expect to feel a high after the 30-minute mark.

    Cannabis consumed via a liquid could also give you a more potent high, according to some early studies. Hence why most beverages stick with a small dash of THC, usually around five to 20 mg.

    Because they are liquid, cannabis drinks are processed by your body a bit quicker than edibles. Still, you can expect your high to last about two to four hours, making cannabis drinks the perfect drink of choice for social gatherings.

    What’s out there right now for you to experiment with? There are different types of cannabis infused drinks, including sparkling water, coffee, tea, and soda. However, there are no alcohol-infused THC drinks, as it’s prohibited by law in the state of Washington.

    What are the Cannabis Drinks to Cool Down with This Summer?

    If you’re looking for some cannabis-infused drinks to chill out after work or to destress on the weekend, we’ve got you covered. Here are some of the best cannabis drinks to help you relax.

    Happy Apple CBD

    Happy Apple CBD contains a 1:1 dose of THC and CBD, with 100 mg of each. This drink is made with Washington apples fed with crystal clear Cascade water and infused with cannabis.

    Made without any added sugars or additives, Happy Apple CBD is a great holistic drink. Because of its 1:1 mix, it’s an excellent choice for those wanting to feel calm and balanced after a long day at work.

    Green Revolution Wildside Sweet Watermelon

    Wildside Sweet Watermelon is the perfect choice for those needing a bit of hydration while high. Whether you’re going on a hike, playing a few rounds of basketball, or swimming laps, this drink will keep you hydrated with its electrolytes and antioxidants.

    Wildside Sweet Watermelon contains a full-spectrum cannabis oil with a full cannabis-terpene profile. It’s mildly sweet, with a balance between uplifting and buzzy.

    Utopia Tangerine

    If you’re looking for a sugar-free and zero-calorie drink, then check out Utopia Tangerine. This slightly sour and sweet sparkling water contains 100 mg of cannabis, giving you a THC boost.

    This beverage is a great social drink, as it gives you just the right amount of relaxation to explore new settings.

    Majors Orange Mango Shot

    This drink might look small, but it can pull its weight. Majors Orange Mango Shot is designed to deliver a highly potent THC kick. You can drink it all at once for maximum effect or microdose it to make it last all day.

    Best enjoyed with friends and family, Majors Orange Mango Shot contains 100 mg of THC per bottle.

    Sinners & Saints Shot Fruit Punch

    Sinners & Saints Shot Fruit Punchis a great on-the-go cannabis drink for a lazy Sunday brunch or any major social gathering. It has 100 mg of THC packed into 2 ounces. Not to mention there are zero calories and zero sugar.

    If you’re looking for a portable cannabis drink with a great flavor, then check out Sinners & Saints.

    End the Day on a High Note with Cannabis-Infused Drinks

    Cannabis drinks are a great way to relax after work. They can give you a relaxed buzz as you would expect with alcohol but without the angry headache the next day. With a lot of cannabis drinks, literally flooding the market these days, it's easy to find a drink (and a dose) you love.

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